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The Falacy Of Space Exploration
 The Falacy Of Space Exploration
phobos has been theorized by our governments and previous researchers to be not of natural origin. not only has Russia been so curious about it that they have sent numerous missions to it via probes, but the probes have a tendency to malfunction upon arrival.

Why are our space programs so interested in exo everything while we've not sent a man to our own moon for 40 + years. an exo moon 4000 lightyears away, awesome, but some of the smartest minds in astrophysics have left this world stating that the moon we have is so anomalous in size, orbit, and PERFECT in terms of stability of rotation on its axis compared to any others that its either been placed here or smashed out from our own planet so completely perfect that you may not expect to see another example of its formation as long as our civilization seeks to explore. has anybody of importance taken into account that the craters on the moon are not indicative of imperfect trajectory for seemingly all of its marks???? no trails, as if every single collision it has was heading at a perfect 90 degree angle?

Furthermore, phobos has been theorized by our governments and previous researchers to be not of natural origin. not only has Russia been so curious about it that they have sent numerous missions to it via probes, but the probes have a tendency to malfunction upon arrival. we seem to know there's a monolith on it, its been determined through decades of signals that it is hollow and likely metallic in structure. its really hard to imagine we haven't sent manned missions there if it were so desolate in our home system. in 1988 the phobos 2 mission took note of a mysterious shadow on the Martian surface literally 3 frames before its malfunction and demise.

not to mention the black night satellite that elusively orbits our earth. first possible observation was nikola tesla noting an object of unnatural origin above our atmosphere in the late 1800's. then around 1929 the airforce seemed to be so taken back by it they released word of it in the news papers, never to be mentioned by a government agency again.

ot>so there, that's why were spending probably multiple trillions of dollars over decades in black project budgets while simply mulling over the public's interest by observing planets well never get to with a telescope we launched up in the 90's. oh and the iss. which essentially can be replaced with an above atmosphere camera to get us pretty pictures of earth. we've got a stadium all to ourselves and we've been playing in the ball pit of the daycare centre for half a century lol. unreal.

even the moon "rang like a bell for near an hour" after nasa crashed a craft into it in 1970, and we're still picking the conspiracy theorist bone for the mention of that fact being indicative of a hollow moon. We obviously should have been able to determine at this point. and we havnt. But there's nothing to hide, aliens exist but no way no how near us at all, and obama did everything he could to save our souls,

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

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