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Sommerfeld-Goubau, Nikola Tesla, MEMs, Cannabinoids, & Science

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patent US10044442B2 is able to propagate Electromagnetic Radiation. in light of the fact that power lines emmit EM radiation, it seems the choice was made to install the tech on power lines.

Googles Quasai Wireless Patent #US10044442B2

, is described in it's abstract as:

"A method for delivering a communication signal is disclosed. The method includes receiving, at an optical transceiver, an optical communication and constructing, at a baseband integrated circuit in communication with the optical transceiver, a radio frequency communication (e.g., the intermediate frequency data and control signals) based on the optical communication. The method also includes transmitting the radio frequency communication from a Sommerfeld-Goubau launcher in communication with the baseband integrated circuit as a surface wave along a power line to a strand mount device disposed on the power line. The strand mount device is configured to receive the radio frequency communication and wirelessly transmit the radio frequency communication (e.g., via a wireless link) to a user device."

in light of the fact that power lines emit EM radiation, it seems the choice was made to install the tech on power lines. the process will be laid out in the patents below:
Quasi-Wireless Communication System:
The Launchers propagate ambient electromagnetic radiation via 2 conical "launchers" placed on the powerlines.
Launcher Setup:

wave guide

between these launchers is a wave guide, depicted here:
goubau waveform:

The wave guide allows the propagated EM radiation to be transmitted in ranges up to a terahertz microwave frequency. Sommerfeld Goubau is originally a single wire transmission technology. In the 1950s a gentlemen named George Goubau added a waveguide mechanism in between the 2 conical emitters/receivers. Since, it has been close to the chest within the DOD ad government projects. As of late google has found implementations for it. Not only can it transmit wireless energy if met with a line of sight receiver, which Facebook has built, it is capable of x-ray type viewing, interferometry, and a plethora of other uses.

The depictions below indicate intention of frequency transfer from the powerline with attached Goubau launchers directly to the devices that are targeted by way of wireless emission. it seems that the 2 conical appendages in the strand mount device, as far as i can tell, send signal to each other, i assume this creates a cylindrical mechanism containing the EM radiation in turn providing the ability to propagate it. I will expand on this synopsis as the site develops.

US10044442-page-016 US10044442-page-017 US10044442-page-021 US10044442-page-018 US10044442-page-022 US10044442-page-027 US10044442-page-003 US10044442-page-005 US10044442-page-002
The Depictions provided from the patent documentaion are displayed here:
Description(TOP) & Figures (BOTTOM):

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.
see also FACEBOOKs Wireless Energy Network

Google Data Collection congress hearing

DATA COLLECTION------------------- | 0:00- 1:26
CONTENT BIAS------------------------- | 1:26 - 5:22
OFFLINE DATA COLLECTION-----| 5:29 - 19:11
SERVICE AGREEMENTS-------------| 19:11 - 26:13
MACHINE LEARNING-----------------| 26:13 - 31:19
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE--------| 31:19 - 37:04

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

thehidden Ethereum thehidden

In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmers programming, join the dialectic.

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