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the worlds energy consumption and what we are potentially facing. requiring 1 billon panels @ a cost of $300 per 250 W Panel Totaling $3 trillion requiring a total land mass of 6.3K acres the solar panel efficiency and certainly cost are based off of figured from mid 2016.

the worlds energy consumption and what we are potentially facing. requiring 1 billon panels @ a cost of $300 per 250 W Panel Totaling $3 trillion requiring a total land mass of 6.3K acres:

a scale of 1MW
250W poly-Si panels @ 80% efficiency
1MW=1,000,000 Watt
1,000,000W/(250W×0.8) = 1,000,000W/200W≈,5000W =v
100 panels × 50 rows = 5000 panels
2.5m×1m per panel @ 30 deg angle
5000 panels/ 12500 M^2 per 1MW

(43560.04 sqft/acre)* (1 sqM/10.76 sq ft) = 4048.33 M^2/acre

(4048 M^2/acre) * 3000 acre = 12,144,000 M^2

12,144,000 M^2 * (5000 panels/ 12500 M^2) = 4,857,600 Panels

4,857,600 Panels * $299/ Panel = $1,457,280,000
4,857,600 Panels / (1MW/5000 panel) = 971 MW/
(1000KW/MW)*971 MW = 971,000 KW

971,000 KW*(365 days * 24 hours) = 8,505,960,000 KWh/yr

2015 Kwh/yr US consumption is 3,911,000,000,000 KWh/yr
(18,505,960,000 KWh/yr) / (3,911,000,000,000 KWh/yr) = 0.474 % annual
Consumption for the US
Theoretically to produce enough just for the total US consumption:
100/.474 = 211.34 x original scale

211.34 * 4,857,600 Panels = 1,026,605,184

211.34 * $1,457,280,000 = $ 307,977,650,443.42
211.34 * 3000 acre = 634, 020 acres
Size of Texas = 15,770,000,000 acres
15,770,000,000 acres / 634, 020 acres = 0.004 % of Texas

It would require 1,026,605,184 panels @ a cost of 299 per 250 W Panel Totaling $307,977,650,443.42 requiring a total land mass of 634,020 acres, 0.004 % of Texas, to replace the 3,911,000,000,000 KWh/yr energy consumption of the US. This is strictly the cost of the panels at market price .

Global Energy consumption is around 21,000,000,000,000 KWh/yr (21,776,000,000,000 KWh/yr)/ (3,911,000,000,000 KWh/yr) = 5.56 scale of US cons It would require 5,716,020,068 panels @ a cost of 299 per 250 W Panel Totaling $1,712,355,736,465 requiring a total land mass of 3,525,151 acres, 0.0223% of Texas, to replace the 21,776,000,000,000 KWh/yr energy consumption of the US.

This is strictly the cost of the panels at market price. You’ll need to factor in the cost of Power Grids, Installation of over 1 Billion Panels, Maintenance Per year, as well as necessary infrastructure such as automated rotation systems for max efficiency, etc.

Also, I feel as if Im off By A Factor of 4.. Ive run these numbers multiple times before and came to a total of 7.5 trill for the panels. If anybody feels like checking the math, please do. Ill check it later on if not.

1) Space required for 1 MW of power

2) the cost per sq ft solar panel

3) cost of solar panels

Total Annual Energy Consumption: 4) Total Annual Energy Consumption

previous calculations


So i have just done some research on the worlds energy consumption and what we are potentially facing. however, the power consumption is based off of a figure from 2012, whereas the solar panel efficiency and certainly cost are based off of figured from mid 2016.

1) The US estimated energy consumption by 2030:
198,721,800,000,000 KW-H

2) Total consumption of energy from the 37 top electricity consuming countries is:
18,994 TWh/a

3) The entire consumption of the world is:
20,900 TW-H/a

4) Total energy consumed thru ought the world is:
(2.09*10^13) KW-h

5) Average energy consumption of every person on the planet, (7,125,000,000 people) when compared to the entire energy production of the world:
2,933 KW-h per person

6) The highest avg consumption/resident in America is:
15,497 KW-h / yr

7) A typical "150 watt" PV module is about a square meter in size. Such a module may be expected to produce 0.75 kilowatt-hour (kWh) every day, on average, after considering the weather and the latitude, for an insolation of 5 sun hours/day.
Cost per sq foot is about $5
1 sq ft “150 watt” ; .75 KW-H/day ; 273 KW-h /annually

8) 1 sq ft, 150 watt panels needed to supply earth:
76,556,776,556 units
- that will encompass a total of:
2746.096 sq. Mi. ; which is 1/10 the size of texas.

9) So at $5 a foot to buy the units necessary at this time at CONSUMER cost, the panels would cost:
$ 382,783,882,783.88
For only the money we would supply the underdeveloped nations to reduce carbon emissions, which is $100,000,000,000 we could buy:
16,000,000,000 units for 80 billion
and have 20 billion dollars left over for the labor and expenses to install. (which I have no calculations on)

10) Not to forget that these nations that are in need of assistance combined seem to equate to around 10% of the entire world’s energy consumption per year. So theoretically, the $100,000,000,000 invested straight into solar energy rather than their pocket, would produce enough energy for their populations twice over.

11) the building of power grids is also a cost and a large one at that, but when it takes 80 billion to aquire the photovoltaics to power 20% of the world's energy conurbation.

12) also not calculated is the decrease in the energy used to generate energy through other means. All of which was taken into account in the original 20, 900 TW-H / a calculations.


Electric Energy Consumption
Current Cost of Solar Panels
Solar Panels Per Square Foot

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

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