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Oil & Gas: A Cure
Oil & Gas: A Cure
use statistical analysis and analytical methods to project as accurately as possible gross income for all oil and gas entities for at least 2 decades, or even a total projection based on a well estimated time of total depletion of all reserves

use statistical analysis and analytical methods to project as accurately as possible gross income for all oil and gas entities for at least 2 decades, or even a total projection based on a well estimated time of total depletion of all reserves; adjusted accordingly to account for price fluctuation (increase) over time due to scarcity. As well as projected total costs in the same manner matching the time frame. Once that is established, set all participating countries up with a payment plan in very accurate proportions to be accrued however the individual countries deem fit. Impose it immediately.

The oil and gas companies in return will subside with a predetermined goal of developing the most efficient and durable batteries possible, fitting demands of automotive, housing, and any other necessary model. under strict transparency guidelines; all funded collectively by the countries in which they reside and operate. mass production after development of the batteries should be tenable due to the vast amount of revenue these companies receive collectively already.

Once established, slowly abandon operations in lieu of allocating the costs of production toward a comprehensive construction of solar, wind, turbine, and all other feasible alternative sources in locations globally that maximize input potential of these sources as well as cater to the logistics of energy transportation and grid mapping. Eventually, and expediently transitioning to an extreme minimum amount of drilling/fracking left alive only for large vehicle transport or operations that simply cannot yet be powered alternatively until otherwise feasible. Additionally, extra supply of funds within total expense will be allocated towards the automotive, aeronautics, and nautical industries to aid in development of necessary tech and research to operate cohesively and efficiently with the established renewable grid.

That's it. Monetarily, nobody skips a beat. The people pay what they would have paid in costs and the companies still maintain their profit. The payments are fulfilled by the countries for their predetermined amount and longevity regardless of how expediently the objective reaches completion.

Dumb sounding as all hell really, shockingly immensely more beneficial than the current course. To hold that notion requires the acknowledgement that our current course is well beyond retardation.

Mine today, mine tomorrow, repeat indefinitely. Establish alternative energy systems today, maintain tomorrow, repeat as needed for eternity. Given that choice, there's no contest.

Absolutely we could just allocate the money we would otherwise spend on this endeavor to simply innovate the tech without diminishing their hold on the energy markets until a satisfactory percentage is reached. But threatening their livelihood, historically, has spilt a lot of blood, slung a lot of mud, and stifled innovation by way of sabotage and subversive destruction of any threats.

lets just call it what it is, it's a hostage situation, it has been for absolutely all of any of our lives. just pay them their handsome. they're going to rape the planet until its dry anyhow, this way they wont have to.

of course this notion can be adjusted to the scope of all non renewables or hazardous industries, coal, nuclear, etc.

im straight faced about this, i see no other viable solution. if one exists, im all ears. obviously this excludes wildly unrealistic expectations of cooperation. keeping the money right IMO is essential for these parameters to be met.

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

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In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmers programming, join the dialectic.

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