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Sommerfeld-Goubau, Nikola Tesla, MEMs, Cannabinoids, & Science

The Daily Dialectics has established a forum: "The Hidden Dialectic"

The Truth About Google
 The Truth About Google
Nano Tech Developers are seemingly just as invested in Goubau Tech. stated that the development in goubau systems has been spearheaded most entirely due to its ability power MEMs.

with google in the spot light, its a good time to study up on their sommerfeld goubau technology.

with facebook in the spot light, its a good time to study up on their sommerfeld goubau technology Facebook

Both of these companies are working close toward a similar goal, its clear when investigating the patent technology shared in this thread. for example a sommerfeld-goubau launcher can transmit wireless energy only if met by a near line of site receiver. Facebook, during the same time span has had a number of patents having to do with deploying line of sight recievers.

The sommerfeld goubau launchers have been being placed on power lines via google. That’s terahertz microwave frequency, this particular wave has a plethora of use case. I have compiled a detailed synopsis of it here: Sommerfeld Goubau

At first it would be reasonable to assume that there is no connection and the line of site receivers would have been made interdependently. The first hurdle with that assumption is the fact that Karthik Yogeeswaran is an inventor for both patents. Karthiks catalog of patent development is here: Karthik Yogeeswaran

You’ll notice the projects in large portion have to do with propagation of electromagnetic radiation from power lines, the system in which goubau launchers operate. More telling, the electrical event detection is a very specific use case that is necessary for electronics that are too small or too hidden for consumer intervention. I’m getting at NANO Machines, aka Microelectromechanical systems.

Upon researching these systems, it has been noted that some of the most prominent names in the field, such as Anthony Treizebré, are seemingly just as invested in Goubau Tech. in fact it has been bluntly stated that the development in goubau systems has been spearheaded most entirely due to its ability power MEMs. There are a few reasons for Goubau desirability in that field.
1) THZ waves can penetrate the skin easily
2) The wave can be received via an antenna only a few micrometers thick

in his own words however we have this: "THz spectroscopy could provide interesting new complementary information at the systemic biology due to its faculty to probe the low binding energy between molecules or inside heavy bio-molecules. We describe here a THz BioMEMS based on a new integrated propagation mode around a metallic wire where the radial size is down to the nanometer scale. This size is required for a sub-micrometer spatial resolution. We give the first results obtained in term of propagation constant and permittivity sensitivity. They are the key for an optimized configuration of THz Nano probe."

Near every reason for implementation of these systems so subversively is a net negative. THz microwaves ARE harmful, we should know if the risk exists. The ability for google to send and receive data from the power lines is an invasive tactic being that you will statistically be around one the majority of time. The fact that the system can tirelessly power devices would at least have semblance of positive attributes if it weren't a secret. Look at the patent paper on the site, page 22 of the quasai wireless patent, figure 220

is the housing for the launchers. I honestly cannot recall those not being a thing. We’ve ALL seen them for longer than is comforting being that this is news to an awe inspiring majority. Lastly, this is Teslas tech, Nikola praised sommerfeld for mathematically proving Teslas wireless energy system is accurately contrived. Goubau added the wave guide just around a decade after the government ransacked Teslas effects after he died. No surprise given my logic that the technology was held and kept quiet by the Department of Defense. This was supposed to set us free, for it to be used like this is something I cannot stand for.

The similarities are highlighted in brevity here: Tesla&Goubau

This particular content is why I created this site. It’s 5g's older evil brother that unlike its kin, is so rarely talked about you'll find my site a number of times in related searches. That needs to change.

The daily dialectics was devised in efforts of exposing devious tech derived from major companies. The highlights of which are Google and Facebook. Over the past decade they have worked together in lieu of the development of a wireless power network integrated into our most populated areas worldwide. Most notably 2017 - 2018 was the year of the final patent approvals. Facebooks Line of Sight system can receive the dense wave form emitted by the waveguide attached to Googles Goubau Launchers. Both are capable of ultra-low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

thehidden Ethereum thehidden

In an age where truths are akin to fiction in the minds of the masses, fiction is a key component in societal control. Reprogram your programmers programming, join the dialectic.

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